Get Rid of Neck Pain with These Simple Yoga Poses

Striving towards perfection at work, most of us ignore some basic factors of a good lifestyle. Surely, amidst all this rush, our health is compromised. Such is our lifestyle that overstraining ourselves physically and mentally is considered a norm. What follows is weariness due to chronic pain, especially neck pain.

If you are to ask a physician, he would tell you that your neck pain is caused by sleep deprivation, lack of exercise and other such reasons. Whatever is the cause, the main reason behind neck pain is mostly overstraining at work. While it is understandable that you cannot compromise with your work targets, but you can certainly cure your neck pain.

A time-tested ancient exercise routine, yoga is known for providing all-round fitness. From curing chronic pain and life-threatening diseases to strengthening all body parts, yoga practice is for our all-round fitness. Here are 4 simple yoga poses that will be of great aid in relieving you from neck pain.

Balasana (Child Pose)

Kneel down and sit on your heels keeping your toes together. Keep your knees hip distant apart. Bend forward with deep exhalation and let your chest rest between your thighs. Lay your hands beside torso with palms facing upwards. Remain in this pose for a few minutes while breathing deeply. Then lift your torso up gradually with deep inhalation.

Bitiliasana (Cow Pose)

Get on your knees with your hands on floor. Make sure your knees are hip distant apart and your palms are shoulder width apart. Keep your head in a neutral position and your gaze on the floor. Now with deep inhalation expand your chest. Also, lift your head while inhaling. Now exhale deeply and allow your head and torso to be in the neutral position as before. Repeat this pattern 10 to 20 times.

Viparita Karani Asana (Legs-up-the-wall Pose)

Lay down on your back with your legs resting straight against a wall and your feet facing the ceiling. Keep your arms straight and relaxed at your side with palms facing upwards. Remain in this position for 15 to 20 deep breathing cycles.

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Shavasana is simple to perform but hard to contemplate. All you need to do is lie down on your back with your feet slightly apart and hands resting at sides. Then breathe slowly and deeply, and try to get rid of all thoughts. Remain in this resting position for at least 5 minutes.

Like any other yoga pose, all these poses benefits us in more than one way, but one must first understand the poses properly. You may learn poses at the best yoga school in Rishikesh or in your local studio, but the important thing is to understand the significance and technique of the the pose you are performing.