8 Benefits of Doing Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is one of the most popular sequences of yoga poses. Since this sequence requires us to involve every body part, and affects all body organs, it is often referred as a complete workout. In Sanskrit, Surya means the sun and Namaskar means to pay obeisance. Therefore, its English name is Sun Salutation.

Since this sequence is an obeisance to the sun, it is best done with the rising sun. However, it is only a preferred time, and you can do it any time in the day. It involves 12 postures, done in a fixed order. Different yoga poses involve different body parts, and the whole sequence works as a complete body workout. Below are some benefits of doing the Surya Namaskar.

Improves muscles and joints

Surya Namaskar strengthens our muscles and joints, since its practice requires twisting and turning of every part of our body. It even improves the functioning of various internal organs.

Improves digestive system

On regular practice it balances our blood circulation, which subsequently improves our digestion. Additionally, forward bends also remove any trapped gasses, which cause pain and discomfort in the chest and stomach areas.

Fights insomnia

Surya Namaskar has a relaxing effect on our body and mind. This in turn alleviates the causes of insomnia. Many people have been able to completely get rid of insomnia after a few months practice of Surya Namaskar.

Brings flexibility

All the bending, twisting and turning involved in Surya Namaskar bring flexibility in the body. People who couldn’t raise their legs or twist themselves find it much easier to do so after they start practicing Surya Namaskar.

Helps in weight loss

Surya Namaskar is also found to be beneficial in fighting off obesity issues. By focusing on every part, this exercise helps remove flab from every part of the body.

Maintains youth

Surya Namaskar improves blood circulation and makes the facial skin glow. It is also beneficial for people with hair fall issues, and provides long lasting youthful looks.

Boosts women’s health

Surya Namaskar also cures menstrual irregularities. Surya Namaskar makes women’s body more flexible and healthier, and eases the complications during childbirth.

Builds endurance

Surya Namaskar energizes us, as well as boosts our physical, mental and emotional endurance. Everyday illnesses like cold, cough, and flu can be easily warded off by practicing Surya Namaskar daily. Also, on regular practice it keeps you energized throughout the day.

There are many more benefits of Surya Namaskar, which you will come to experience once you start practicing it on regular basis. Kids, as well as adults can practice Surya Namaskar. However, if you want to go deeper into its practice, then join a yoga ashram in Rishikesh, or at another yoga hub in India. At these places, you get to learn from esteemed yogis, which naturally brings in you some profound physical and spiritual changes.