4 Relaxing Yoga Poses to Get Rid of Insomnia

Healthy food and healthy sleep are often considered as the two most crucial factors of healthy living. However, these very two factors are likely to be ignored in the hectic lifestyle we follow. While what we eat is more or less in our own hands, but how we sleep depends upon our activities throughout the day.

Having bad sleeping habits can lead to several physical and mental ailments such as chronic pain, depression, etc. Sleeping disorder is a lifestyle issue; therefore, it cannot be cured by merely taking sleeping pills. Yoga practice is found to be the most effective way to deal with sleeping troubles. But again, our lifestyle is such that most of us cannot even spare half an hour every morning for its practice.

Here are few simple yoga poses, which you can easily do before going to bed, that can be of great help in keeping your sleeping troubles at bay.

Upavistha Konasana

Sit on your bed with your legs wide apart and put a pillow in front of you. Inhale and try to stretch your spine upward. It is okay to bend your knees a little if you feel too much strain in erecting your spine. Then breathe out deeply and bend forward to put your chest on the pillow. Then inhale to rise back in the sitting position. Repeat this pattern for 10 rounds of deep breathing.


Lying on your stomach put a pillow beneath your torso. Breathe in and stretch your hands behind you with crossed fingers. Breathe out and remain in the same pose. Now inhale to lift your head to look straight ahead. Then with deep exhalation bring your hands and head down. Repeat this pattern about 3 to 4 times.

Supta Baddha Konasana

Lie down on your back with a pillow beneath your upper torso. Bring your feet together with heels touching each other. Remain in this position for at least 2 minutes while feeling your body sinking into the pillow with every breath.


Of course, the list cannot be complete without the most relaxing of all, the Shavasana. To do Shavasana, lie down straight on your back with your feet slightly apart and your arms resting at your sides with palm facing ceiling. Start breathing deeply and try to achieve a thoughtless state. Possibly, you will fall asleep in this restful state, but at a typical yoga practice you should avoid that.

This 10-15 minute yoga practice can save you hours of restlessness during your sleep. And if you want to explore more about such yoga poses, then you can check online in various discussion forums and blogs, or join a local yoga studio. And if you want to explore more about yoga process as a whole, then joining a yoga ashram in Rishikesh and other yoga hubs in India is your best bet, since this is the place where yoga was born.