How to Keep Your Yoga Practice Going

Yoga is exhilarating, liberating and reenergizing. Once you start learning yoga at a local studio, it naturally inspires you to wake up a little earlier and be in the class on time. However, often people instead of going to yoga classes choose to do yoga in the comfort of their homes, and with every passing day, they find it harder to motivate themselves to get on the mat. And with your motivation constantly dropping, your practice changes completely. Unfortunately, many practitioners, once enthusiastic about yoga, get caught up in the mood of quitting it. Then once the stress remerges in their life, they sit up to examine the damage done.

However, there is always a way to get back to that rejuvenating lifestyle. In search of inspirations, some people even go as far as to join a yoga ashram in Rishikesh. Others get themselves enrolled back at the yoga studios. However, there are ways to get on the mat even in the comfort of the home.

Here are a few tips on how you can keep yourself motivated while practicing yoga at home.

Create a separate yoga space

Create your own yoga space, preferably a room aside from the main house. You may have to remove some pieces of furniture to clear some space for your practice. It is important since practicing yoga in a packed place will not allow you to feel free. And if possible, then permanently shift the furniture to some other room, so that you have a special place for your practice. Having a personalized place for your practice will automatically inspire you to do yoga.

Do yoga with joy

Whenever you do yoga, do it with happiness. If you will fret about the less time you are spending on your practice then you will not be able to reap the benefits of yoga. Instead, even if you have15 minutes, do the poses that energize you the most and relax as you do the poses. Once you start enjoying your poses, you will automatically make it a habit to the practice more regularly.

Choose the right yoga mat

Often people think that quality of the yoga mat is of little significance. However, a yoga mat is crucial, since it provides you support while you twist, stretch and bend your body. Therefore, you should choose a mat of proper thickness, so that it neither feels too puffy beneath you, not too thin that you constantly feel the hardness of the floor. Additionally, ensure that the material of the mat suits your skin. Most preferable materials are cotton, jute and other materials that come directly from the nature.

Create the right ambience

To enhance your yoga experience, you also need to create the right ambience at your home. You can light some incense sticks, play soft music and use soft lights to illuminate the room and create a setting that will enhance your experience.

The key thing is to make yourself feel relaxed, so that you can enjoy your practice. Once you are able to do that, you will be naturally motivated to get on the mat on regular basis.