7 Yoga Benefits You Have Probably Never Heard of

Yoga is a complete solution for all sorts of health issues, and people of every society in every part of the world practice it. People who know about yoga know two things for sure. First, that yoga was invented in India. Second, that it benefits us in different ways. While most people associate yoga with weight loss or building a healthy body, many people are not aware of the subtle benefits yoga can bring in their lives.

Let’s discuss some of these benefits that most people are unaware of.

Yoga relieves pain

Despite all the uncomfortable and painful twisting and turning during yoga practice, it actually relieves us from pain. The pain we feel during poses is because our muscles and joints are being rebuilt. And on regular practice it cures chronic pain. Besides, several surveys have proven that yoga practice is more effective than medicine in relieving body from pain.

Yoga builds confidence

Yoga not only fixes our physical body, it heals our spirit also. It allows us to get to know ourselves better. Different poses and pranayama make us conscious about our actions and thoughts. This enables us to be more confident in whatever we do.

Yoga fights stress

Stress has become an inevitable part of modern lifestyle. Be it the work targets, peer pressure, or just going about with life’s everyday activities - our lives are full of stress. So much so that many of us have even started considering stress to be a normal part of life. But for those who practice yoga regularly, stress is curable.

Yoga helps fight ADHD

Different studies have proven that yoga is beneficial for people suffering from ADHD. The key is the synchronization of breathing patterns with physical movements. These breathing patterns helps practitioners in building focus. It also helps in developing the ability to concentrate for long. On regular practice, these effects gradually replace the symptoms of ADHD.

Yoga helps in anger management

Yoga practice makes us calmer by natures, and helps us in managing our anger. Yoga’s breathing patterns calm us and relieve us from anger. In addition, yoga also helps us in controlling our emotions through a better mind-body connection.

Yoga helps us eat better

Yoga works on our internal organs too. By improving our digestive system and making our organs function better it prevents toxins from being created in the body. With better digestion out eating habits improve on their own. When our body is healthy, it naturally craves for healthier food.

Yoga improves and retains bone density

Bone density decreases with age. Yoga practice can keep this big old-age issue at bay, since it naturally improves our bone density. Besides, good eating habits are also crucial for retaining one’s bone density.

Yoga is a complete mind body workout, which brings about wholesome health at physical, mental and spiritual levels. You can learn yoga at a local studio and once you realize the value this age old science can provide you, you will be naturally inclined to learn it more deeply from the best yoga teacher in Rishikesh or Bali.